CavePics Home Page

Cave Photography of Peter and Ann Bosted

This site features cave photographs by Peter and Ann Bosted and sometimes a few friends. We are grateful for all those who helped with lighting and modeling. This site features cave photographs from the United States, with special sections of Hawaii and Lechuguilla Cave, NM, and featuring such well-known caves as Mammoth Cave System (KY). Also presented are cave photos from other countries, including Puerto Rico, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, China, Japan, Borneo, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Many of the photos are presented in both 2D and 3D (stereo).

We branched out to include photos of friends, family, landscapes, and cavnyoneering on our site.

For permission to use these photographs, or for queries about additional photos that we may have, please contact Peter Bosted by phone (808) 756 5977. or contact Ann by email or phone (808) 315 2196.
17th International Vulcanspeleology Symposium, Feb.6-12, 2016

Old-time favorites

3D Favorites by Peter and Ann

3D Favorites by Peter

3D Favorites by Peter, Daniel, and Michel

Hawaii Caves

Lechuguilla Cave, NM

Mainland U.S.A. Caves

Caves of other countries

Friends and Family


Scenery and Landscapes